Markus Deutsch - Impressum

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RA/StB Markus Deutsch
Danckelmannstraße 9d
14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Tel.: 030 32602506
Fax: 030 32602582
VAT-ID: DE250532796

Markus Deutsch is admitted to the lawyer’s bar. In addition to his legal education, Markus Deutsch is also authorized to practice both as a lawyer and as a certified tax adviser.

The relevant supervisory authorities are:

         - Berlin Lawyers' Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin), Littenstraße 9, 10179 Berlin

         - Chamber of Tax Advisors in Berlin (Steuerberaterkammer Berlin), Wichmannstraße 6, 10787 Berlin

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The professional regulations applicable to certified tax advisors - Tax Counseling Law (StBerG), Execution Ordinance to the StBerG (DVStB), Professional Code of Tax Consultants (BOStB) and TaxConsultant Fee Ordinance (StBVV) can be registered at

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HDI Versicherungs AG
HDI Platz 1
30659 Hannover


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Photo credits:

DATEV eG/Glasfaser


Steuervorteile mit Kindern:
Leitfaden für Familien und
Steuerberater (German Edition)

ISBN-10: 3834941689
ISBN-13: 978-3834941688





Umsatzsteuer-Erklärung 2014/
2015 Kompakt

ISBN-10: 3955541037
ISBN-13: 978-3955541033
